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 Christmas Eve 2009 Merry Christmas everyone!
  A new Anthony Burns game - Aeon Flux
  The previously unseen Slaughterland
  The recently salvaged Invaderz 2000
  More games found by Mason
 7th October 2009 More games found by Mason of c64heaven
  Games from Karl-Johan Nilsson (K-J N)
 31st August 2009 More of our wanted games found!
 26th August 2009 Four new games from Sonny Top (Bamse)
  Motor Race from Reinhard Klinsiek
 13th August 2009 Baphomet released
  Games from the_hawk preserved
  Seven more Amiga games
 28th June 2009 100 GAMES & DEMOS IN THE VAULT!
  The Push by Anthony Burns
  Art Thief and Spy Academy
  Planet of the Balls
  Nyaaaah 11 - Special Edition
 14th June 2009 Legion of the Damned 2 released
  Yak's Revenge released
  New-look archive page to try
  Wanted page updated with more findings
 29th May 2009 SEUCK Redux page updated
  Eradicator by Jason Doig released
  Jez and Philip Bayliss collection pages online
 11th May 2009 Five EXCLUSIVE new games from Mat Corne
  New tips from Richard Bayliss
 22nd February 2009 SIX new games enter the Vault
  Two new games in the Amiga Archive
  Four new games for the C64 Archive
  Archive re-organisation coming soon!
 24th December 2008 Merry Christmas everyone!
  New SEUCK Remake for Windows announced
  SEUCK Redux - a new game engine for C64
  Amiga Archive opened
  More games in the C64 Archive
 20th October 2008 Five new games, including Goldshaft Deluxe (for over 16s)
  More updates coming soon!
 29th July 2008 New pages up:
  Sea Software collection
  SEUCK Buster
  SAS - Saunders & Simpson in Operation Kuran
 July 2008 Moving to a new host thanks to Frank Gasking
 23rd May 2008 New sideways games in the Archive
  And SILO 64 and LASER HAWK pages with video footage
 29th February 2008 EXCLUSIVE!
  Jon Wells announces Sideways SEUCK!
 30th June 2007 The site has moved hosts as a temporary basis
  Apologies for any inconvenience
 19th May 2007 New quick tips from Richard Bayliss
  New Frank Gasking page in the Archive
 21st March 2007 Banners added to Main index and Links page
 18th March 2007  New box scans added
   Jon Wells talks about Breakthrough
   New high score listing for Secrets of SEUCKESS part 3
 21st January 2007  Zombieparty added to the archive
 11th December 2006  New & enhanced games to try in the archive
 6th August 2006  Amiga menus are now explained online, along with a glossary of terms
  Contact us with your Amiga games and stories!
 29th May 2006  Games by Richard J. Derocher in the archive
 13th May 2006  Revenge of the Gators and Philip Bayliss Collection added
 12th May 2006  Art Ravers disk and Commando 2 added to the archive
 18th April 2006  Fixed NYAAAAAAH! Resurrection and Twin Russian Redux available
 11th April 2006  More tips, reviews, links and scans online
 10th April 2006  Reviews section online
 9th April 2006  PAL versions of two NTSC games in the Archive
 8th April 2006  Shaun Pearson page added to the Archive
 7th April 2006  Archive and Wanted pages updated
 January 2005  Site design begins
 September 2003  Site idea started