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Here you'll find some of the definitions for terms used in the Shoot 'Em Up Construction Kit, and in this online manual.
A sequence of SPRITES run in a set order to give the impression of movement.
An arrangement of 25 CHARACTERS into a square.
A square of 4 x 8 PIXELS. The basic unit of currency in computer graphics.
A common abbreviation of CHARACTER is "CHAR".
All the alphanumeric digits, each designed within a single CHARACTER.
A utility to help you design a particular aspect of your game.
A single stage of an ANIMATION sequence.
Everything that takes place before the zapping begins.
A selection of BLOCKS arranged to make a game BACKGROUND.
In SEUCK, every moving thing is defined by a series of rules. These are defined in the OBJECTS menu.
A single unit of colour which combines with others to make any graphic image.
A technique that moves the image on the screen in a way that gives the impression of a moving landscape.
Sprites can move across the screen without erasing the background. You can also detect a collision between two different sprites, or between a sprite and the background. Sprites in SEUCK are used for all the moving objects - the player, the bullets, the explosions and the enemies.