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You can now test the game. The options are for a proper game or a cheat mode. The FREE MEMORY COUNTER on this menu will tell you how much chip memory you have got left in your computer. Obviously this will be a larger amount on a 1 meg Amiga.
This gives you your first glimpse of your game as it will look to someone who plays it. All the movements, sounds and graphics you designed will be combined. After you`ve basked in your wonderfulness enough, you can press both mouse buttons to return.
The same as a proper test, except you have infinite lives try the cheat mode first, so you can see how the game is put together without getting waxed before you reach the end/ If the game doesn't work for some reason, then you can go back and fix it and test the game again, before you save it as a finished game. When you select the cheat mode, the game will begin at the currently selected level in EDIT LEVEL PARAMETERS.